Play Laugh Learn (PLL) Child Care is dedicated to providing outstanding childcare services. We aim to provide a bright and fun place for children to learn and grow where the environment is clean, comfortable and secure. Our staff offer warm consistent care to teach and nurture children in a loving, respecting manner.
We at PLL believe that parents are the most important teachers and caregivers of their children and parent views are respected and valued and obviously children benefit from the open communication, cooperation and support between parents and staff.
Our goal is to meet the needs of the parents and children and to enrich each child’s emotional well-being and cognitive stimulation through the child’s daily routines, physical care, activities and interactions. We believe each child develop and learn differently within her/his abilities, skills, and qualifications, we also consider that families are different based on their unique child qualifications and personalities that come from various backgrounds. Therefore, our mission is to welcome every family respectfully and equally.
Play Laugh Learn is dedicated to help your child explore the world of social and intellectual development, gain self esteem and confidence while respecting each child as an important and unique individual.